Other Stuff

This is the Other Stuff Page where Other Stuff happens like, games, competitions and other way cool stuff. If you have any idea as to what we can add to the blog please comment. I love you all so so much and always read V.O.C.

- Lady Simmer.

1 comment:

  1. Hey all V.O.C lovers it's Lady Simmer here to tell you about our super cool awesome mega fun contest that will be happening when this blog reaches two hundred views! It's going to be super easy to win and lots of fun. Their are two parts to this contest.If you want to win this contest you have to complete one of two parts. In each part their will be one winner.

    Part 1: Draw or create a sim that in your minds is one of the characters from V.O.C. You can either email me the picture at voyage.of.color@gmail.com, you can post it in the comments or you can sent it to me by DM on instagram my account is voyage.of.color or you can just search lady simmer. I will select the one that is in my opinion "the best representation". Don't worry if your not chosen you artwork still may be displayed on the blog. The winner will have their art displayed with their youtube/whatever account linked to it. Plus they also get a one on one chat with me Lady Simmer and I will give them exclusive information on the next few chapters of our story.

    Part 2: Write a part of the story from the perspective of Salem. The one I find most accurate will be posted on this blog for all the world to see. Plus a one on one chat on whatever they want to talk about i.e the next chapters of the story, things about me and anything else. P.S you can submit the same way as part 1.

    I promise every entry will be considered and I hope you have fun. Thanks to all my viewers I love you.

    - Lady Simmer
